• Your father’s in the Chris Craft
    You frame between your skis,
    Waiting for his son to make the call.
    Your cousins all had their turns,
    And they’re yawning at you now—
    They think all you know how to do is fall.

    But this time, when he hits it,
    The thought gets in your head
    That standing up’s just standing, after all.
    The boat erupts in cheering
    As you bounce across its wake,
    And if you don’t let go
    You’ll never have to fall.

    No more feeling clumsy fish
    Brush against your skin.
    No more feeling grit between your toes.
    No more feeling anything
    That takes you by surprise,
    Or having to decide which way to go.

    How long have you been up there
    On the surface in the sun,
    Above the reef where starfish used to crawl?
    When where you are is nothing
    But a step toward where you’ll be,
    If you don’t let go, how’re you gonna fall?
    If you don’t let go,
    How’re you ever gonna fall?

  • Friday night, almost dawn,
    Lights in the kitchen, everybody gone home.
    Then here you come with your wings on wrong
    Out of the bathroom, picking up this song.
    Do you believe
    The nights seem a little lonely lately?

    Smell the lake—must be spring.
    Lock my bike to a diamond ring.
    Shade’s so cold, but the sun’s so hot,
    Might get work done, then again might not.
    Do you believe
    The nights seem a little lonely lately?
    Do you believe the days seem lonely too?

    I know you’ve been hurt now
    And you’re trying to let go.
    You seem undecided about what to take slow.
    I’ve used my best tricks up
    Just trying to make good,
    Like the sun between branches, sky on a river.

    Wide asleep, fast awake.
    Still no call. (I need it but it could wait.)
    What I’ve done, let it speak for me.
    I’m worse than some, better than I could be.

    Do you believe
    You still want to hang around so near me?
    Do you believe
    You won’t want to see me weekly merely?

    You could fill up this silence
    With the things I don’t know.
    I might be misguided—it’s hard to go slow.
    You could fill up this silence
    With the things I did wrong,
    But you stand there waiting.tion text goes here

  • Meaning to play, oh meaning to play.
    I get my best work done on a Saturday.
    If it comes out splendid
    It’s because I just intended to play.

    Snowflake went to the children
    All upset about Daisy—
    That horsey hurt her feelings
    Saying Snowflake was lazy.
    I can’t find a job, she said,
    I haven’t got a car,
    My office skills are limited,
    And I can’t see very far.

    Snowflake, sweetheart,
    You’re doing your share.
    We’re the ones that made you,
    And we made you to care.
    We needed a friend
    Who would be solid and true,
    And only a snow-covered
    Pink pig would do.

    Hey, look at Snowflake now—
    She’s playing duck duck goosey
    With a horse and a cow.
    When your fun’s at stake
    It’s amazing the friends you can make.

    Meaning to play, oh meaning to play.
    You’d be surprised what started out that way.
    I’ll show you what I’m made of,
    Even if it’s papier-mâché.

    The next day Friendly told me,
    That Daisy’s kind of blue.
    I went up to Daisy
    And I asked her was that true.
    She said, It’s hard to be a horsey.
    It’s taking its toll.

    Daisy was having
    A dark night of the soul.

    Daisy, sweetheart, look here, I said.
    You’re letting those problems
    Get too big in your head.

    I dried off her tears
    So she wouldn’t fall apart.
    She fell asleep dreaming
    Of a brand-new start.

    Hey, look at Daisy now—
    She’s wearing garlands of flowers
    While she’s pulling that plow.
    The farmer might frown,
    But you can’t keep a good horsey down.

    Meaning to play, oh meaning to play.
    Stick to your dreams
    And there’ll be heaven to pay.
    The big green statue
    Started off as a batch of brown clay.

    Daisy apologized
    And righted her wrongs.
    I sat down that night
    And I writed this song.
    I did it for fun,
    I didn’t do it for greed.
    I like how it goes
    More than I care where it leads.

    Every now and then
    When I’m at my guitar
    I get a kind of feeling,
    And the feeling goes far.
    I’m so happy my guitar’s on my knee,
    And my guitar’s so happy
    That it’s got me

    To play, oh meaning to play
    I do my very best work done on a Saturday.
    The tower’s still leaning,
    And the chapel’s still Sistining,
    Ice-cream’s still got
    Xanthan gum and carrageenan,
    And the oceans are still careening,
    Meaning to play.

  • IteThe chance I took so long to take
    Can burn out just as sure
    As ones I scooped up with both hands can shine.
    All that time I took to wonder
    Things I might find out . . . .
    Best trust my ears and eyes.

    Some guys you just tell yourself,
    Aw—it’s one of them,
    And some make you stop and say, Look—it’s him!
    So I go for broke and get there—
    Least I tried my best.
    (Sometimes I’m right, I guess.)

    Handsome and kind, handsome and kind.
    He never says one thing that’s just what people say.
    Handsome and kind, handsome and kind.
    I know I’m supposed to like him.
    I’m gonna like him anyway.

    You might not know what train to catch
    Or how to skip a stone.
    I hear you’ve been known to wear stripes and plaid.
    But din’t you dogsit twice for me?
    And when it looked like rain
    Took my chair inside in time.

    Handsome and kind, handsome and kind,
    Though you’d wish that weren’t the first thing people say.
    Handsome and kind, handsome and kind.
    I know I’m supposed to like you.
    I’m gonna like you.

  • Miss Watson and the Widow Douglas
    Did what no one else in our town would—
    They cleaned me up proper
    To turn me into something good.
    So I paddle down to Jackson’s Island,
    Find a cave to sit the storm out in,
    And who’s there but Miss Watson’s Jim.

    She never did me any kind of harm I knew,
    And here’s Jim running off to steal his family too,
    But bad’s the only calling I was raised to do.

    Fishing with him, when our shoulders touched,
    I felt like I wasn’t alone.
    With him on the raft I was more than just
    Some thing my daddy owned.
    He talked about his wife and daughter—
    It made you want to cry,
    But then I’d think what folks would say
    And I felt so dirty inside.

    So I start a letter, Dear Miss Watson,
    I got your contraband Jim with me.
    Send bounty men to fetch him.
    Here’s where we ‘re gonna be.
    I could feel the face of God smiling,
    Seeing such a troubled child turn true,
    And I tore that letter in two.

    If I ever broke a mirror Jim’d take the spell,
    And he fished me from the river
    When I tripped and fell.
    If it’s hell it takes to save him let me go to hell.
    I’ll go to hell.

  • I’m proud to be a doctor’s son.
    The water’s hot, the driveway clean,
    The smell on Thursday afternoons
    Of fresh-cut grass and gasoline.

    And when our neighbor Chris got cut
    On a sprinkler head, playing tag at night,
    My father sewed his foot and told him,
    Just make sure you keep it dry.

    He skipped his day on the Gulfstream course.
    We snorkeled the reef at the Seahorse Inn,
    Watched a moray snarl, and picked up
    Sea glass brown and blue and green.

    When I was twelve we lived in Spain.
    He took us skiing at the Val d’Arán.
    I tasted wine from a glass porrón
    And learned ten words of Catalan.

    I’m proud to be a doctor’s son.
    He did what he struck out to do—
    Left his Indiana town
    To work on Atlantic Avenue.

  • All I can find of my childhood today
    Is a shortcut through Friday afternoon—
    A Scotch-plaid cooler, a friend with no bike,
    And blue sky around the white moon.

    All I can find of my drugstore guitar
    Is a song with all the answers left out.
    Long though I held back to wander inside,
    What could that song tell me now?

    My mother raised mangoes, gardenias, and me,
    High as her brown arms allowed.
    Wherever or when I pick up a garden hose
    It’s her plants I’m watering now.

  • Ghost nets line the floor,
    iPhone cameras pan the fields of tribal war.
    Lie down, lie down.
    Wall Street trips in fraud,
    Someone’s hungry children bomb themselves for God.
    Lie down, lie down.
    No night rain that I can’t stand
    If I know you know me.

    Let them whip the world,
    Let them try to change our diamonds into pearls.
    Lie down, lie down.
    So their engines turn in that stroke they tried
    To make the kingfish learn.
    Lie down, lie down.
    How right can it be to be sad
    If I know you know me?

    You’ve been making it
    Just in time enough for now.
    I’ve spent too long outside to let you.

    Just one cold night left.
    I can’t hold you if you have to hold your breath.
    Lie down, lie down.
    I can’t keep you near
    Unless the only place you are is here.
    Lie down, lie down.
    Light out—fly a little bit harder
    I know you know me.

  • Nobody put us in a song like you.
    Bless the strings you reached us through,
    Playing parties while your sweetheart slept.
    Even the lions and the tigers wept.
    Nobody ever had a love like you—
    A clearer eye, or a heart more true—
    But at your wedding she was crossing the field,
    A fucking viper got a taste of her heel.
    Look back.

    You saw the only plan to take unfold
    Like it was scrawled on an ancient scroll:
    Do what no other man ever could,
    And fetch her back from the underworld.
    You stuck your harp up under your arm,
    Got your bearings, and you left the farm.

    You really want to go down there?
    Do you really want to go down there?
    But who’s gonna bring her back if you won’t?
    You’re damned if you do,
    She’s damned if you don’t.

    Hades couldn’t believe his eyes—
    A mortal walking his dark paradise.
    Said, I think I know what you’re here about,
    But you can’t look at her on your way out.
    You’re almost up the tunnel now, the sky’s in sight,
    When all the sudden you see the light:
    Sure it’s sad to lose your oldest friend,
    But now you’re gonna have to be a husband again.

  • I never knew what cold could be
    Till we lived in Randall.
    Had a cord of wood all leaning on one match.
    I loved how that cast iron would sound
    As the big room let its shoulders down,
    Like nothing outside the stove could ever catch.
    I’ll be there if you want me, unless I need to.

    Parties through those pretty years,
    The power in just the dancing
    Cranked so hard it felt against the law.
    The glass had such a hold on us
    We had to keep an eye out
    Or might have got sucked down in single-malt.
    I’ll be there if you want me, unless I need to.

    Debbie told us about the guide
    She met in Guatemala,
    Walked tourists through the pyramids every day.
    He’d splash the walls with kerosene
    To make the colors brighter
    Even while it ate the paint away.
    I’ll be there if you want me, unless I need to.

  • Somewhere behind the house
    I thought I might feel
    Some hand I’d held too tight
    Say how wrong it had been to grow.
    Just when I was so strong
    No rescue could throw me,
    Or too weak to be free,
    You made light of me.

    I almost said to you,
    You never knew me.
    That night’s burned off us now.
    I don’t have anything to say.
    Every time you did right
    I’d make like you owed me.
    Dark was all I could see,
    And you made light of me.

    When the green man gave in to the tame,
    And the mountain was mocked by the tree,
    And all I could hear was my name,
    And the jailer turning his key,
    And I did it and I got the blame,
    And the Greek boy fell into the sea,
    And I stayed up all night just to say
    My sins like a rosary,
    You made light of me.

  • The sound man faded Fire and Rain to black.
    The tip jar stood half full on a chair.
    Such a hush fell over the crowd of twenty-three
    You might have thought that only ten were there.
    I made my way from the spotlit stage
    Through almost every word of every tune,
    But then you walked across the room.

    I’ve had kings with thrones in gated realms.
    I’ve had soldiers with fortunes. I’ve had men
    Who left me gasping on the beach so long
    It seemed no one could throw me back but them.
    One or two regaled me with such charm
    We nearly stood together groom and groom,
    But then you walked across the room.

    If all you’d had were the looks of Matt or Paul,
    I could’ve walked away with hardly a tear.
    I could’ve done well enough on my own,
    If all you’d had were the mind of Shakespeare.
    You might have let me go my way in peace
    And flown without a rocket to the moon,
    But you stood up and crossed the room.

  • I want a man mixed up just right:
    Soft in the morning and mean at night.
    A pound of sense and an ounce of courage.
    I want a man like Baby Bear’s porridge.

    I want a man with tastes like mine.
    Not so rich that we have to dine,
    Not so poor that we have to forage.
    I want a man like Baby Bear’s porridge.

    I want a man with a few good friends—
    A couple of women, a couple of men,
    Not the kind with a big entourage.
    I want a man like Baby Bear’s porridge.

  • Good friends are always friends,
    And they always get on the scene.
    Kolos at Vassina!

    Top-flight lodging and dining down by the sea.
    Kolos at Vassina!

    Girls here we will liking them,
    Though we all die bravely for this.
    Kolos at Vassina!

  • Far enough today
    I can’t see back to where I started
    tell me I can stay
    & bring the days I squandered back to me
    cut me free Manalapan

    Let’s walk down the pier
    & kick our heels against the pilings
    I’ve got time to hear
    the story of your fortythousand&
    onenight stand Manalapan

    Did you hear that voice out from the Gulfstream
    again now? it’s just wind in the pines
    Did you see that loggerhead this evening
    again now? right here the tracks turn round
    to make their way back down to the sea

    Friday night I’ll buy
    it can’t be long till my luck changes
    every time I try
    to bring myself in line as best I can
    I win again Manalapan

    When I had to steal
    you helped me make it look like mine
    & when my closet friend
    had told me I’d worn my red carpet thin
    you took me in Manalapan

    Drive on in to town
    we’ll talk too loud to hear the warnings
    let the bridge come down
    I feel the days rush by & lift my hand
    they’re ours again

  • Let sorrow wander on the wing
    let the cynics shit on everything
    let the whole be sundered
    the finger from the ring
    I surfed the riptide & I got back to the shore
    a fin brushed against me
    I just want more

    Let heaven quit me in my sin
    let mercy fall to reckoning
    let fire & brimstone conspire against the spring
    the dark angel passed me with no mark on my door
    & let me off with a warning
    I still want more

    Though when you took me I was young
    though you professed that you were strong
    though what you told me
    I hope might turn out wrong
    I’ll take my chances I did all right before
    I don’t want everything
    I just want . . . .

  • On the road to Arlington
    trying to keep my sugar down
    it’s after fifteen after
    the Cambridge rush will meet this sidewalk soon
    Since I left two years ago
    the town pushed through this fourlane road
    & lined somebody’s pockets
    but I swear now I won’t talk what talk can’t change

    All through Arlington
    anyone had his head on straight he’d run
    signs well up like sparks in the snow
    like seeds upon stone

    The plot that hotel’s rising on
    it’s there I raised my wife & son
    but nothing’s up to code now
    she cut me out & auctioned off the wound
    So I read my Bible last night
    by the hazard flasher light
    but every page I turned to
    that book just showed me one more way I’d lose

    All through Arlington
    where’d they hide that turn I used to know?
    thrown out by the rotary onto Sagamore . . . .

    High Street I’m too late to hear
    the midnight ride of Paul Revere
    still I brought my sidearm
    who knows some redcoat just might come by here
    On the road to Arlington
    I read that signal all too strong
    it’s after twenty after
    she’ll pass by on the way to his house soon

    All through Arlington
    anyone had my head on straight he’d run
    signs well up like sparks in the snow
    like seeds upon stone

  • One more time I heard the same old line
    I’d’ve broken down
    all I needed was a chance to leave
    & it came around
    when your kite’s been treed
    draw a slingshot bead
    with a ketchup seed
    & get right back on again

    Once I dreamed that you were all you seemed
    at your coming out
    then last night I saw the seamy side
    I’d been told about
    yeah you trashed my pride
    it was a catamount ride
    but at least I tried
    to get right back on again

    If I’d found a way to hold my ground
    I’d’ve made a play
    I was not glad to see the little I had of it fade away
    yeah I’m broke again
    but in a while I’ll mend
    ’cause when I fall I tend
    to get right back on again

    Some old timers say the scene’s
    all climbers & sycophants
    but I’d go mad to think of all I mighta had
    if I took a chance
    I got here today
    & it’s not bad as they say
    & I’m gonna find a way to get right back
    it’s a Hobson’s choice
    it’s a still small voice
    but I’m gonna keep my poise
    & get right back on again

  • I wait a little bit longer
    before I cross the street
    thinking of you
    I want to make it safe back home
    I only feel it stronger
    the more I drag my feet
    when I leave you
    I always leave too soon

    I’ll stake it all today
    let the lightning chase the sharks away
    stay sweet morning stay
    watching the rain come down
    you’re a plain white t-shirt in a tourist town

    & If you never give me
    a penthouse in the Grove
    does it matter?
    there’s nothing there I need
    I know my heart is in me
    breaking like a wave underwater
    & I’ll go where it leads

    I meant to take my time
    but the hook was set & you held the line
    now to my shock I find
    what looking never would’ve found . . . .

  • It’s been a good autumn of kinda settling down
    & that’ll make a long vacation
    of waking up without you around
    it’s hard enough to see you getting on that plane
    but thinking of you home all Christmas
    trying not to say my name . . . .

    Honey don’t think your mama don’t know
    she’s the one that pulled you up
    from a gleam in her eye to a big-eared pup
    you can bring it up or not
    just don’t think she don’t know

    I can’t imagine either of us having a kid
    but if a son of mine gave his heart away
    I’d want to know about it if I did
    I never met your mom enough to say she’s wise
    & she’s not quite family
    but she’s got two good eyes

    Honey don’t think your mama don’t know
    it wasn’t just a slacker fad
    to keep a Playgirl underneath the mattress pad
    maybe you can fool your dad
    but don’t think she don’t know

    It isn’t just the wishing that you’d say my name
    & I’m not the kind to tell you
    we have to go about it the same
    but since she always wanted you to tell her the truth
    take her at her word on this one
    she could even make a convert of you

    Honey don’t think your mama don’t know
    din’t she name you Troy
    to remind you what to buy when you find a boy?
    go ahead & play it coy
    just don’t think she don’t know

  • Clouds on the water
    dragging the rain like ficus vines
    every now & then there a lampshadeflashing
    longboats shackled
    a nine turns over the streetlights click
    cheating off of the moon
    leaking down on the dark waves crashing

    Five miles inland
    a halfsunk gator with headlight eyes
    blinks again at the bird in the weeds on the surface
    a green pool table
    suddenly ripping a wing stalls out
    & then everything stops
    & a man says man where was I

    These summer nights have just been poured
    bright dark blue as a man o’ war
    I seen the sky & I heard the shore
    & I’m in kinda between
    the cheap walls shake & the blinds swell in
    it’s you & the jukebox trading a grin
    & aren’t you the guy with the hot red car
    pulled that sun down again

    “He took a breath & dived that night from the inlet
    & got halfway up Manalapan . . . .”

    Some dark garden
    touched by the shade of the grapefruit trees
    here & there & the fire of a royal poinciana
    just by the gutter
    a vine hangs over the crackedtile roof
    & maybe every ten years
    sends a bowl full of white spikes blooming

    These summer nights have just been poured
    how’d I never get a taste before
    if I stretch just a little more
    my feet might reach the floor
    you walk in & the barstools spin
    the dumb stop talking & the beermugs ring
    you might be the guy with the hot red car
    but how can I know for sure?

    These summer nights have just been poured
    a little bit of chaos been restored
    & if I had to say an angry word
    I don’t know where I’d begin
    you walk out & the stars all spin
    big dream looming at the back of the wind
    you wanted a ride in a hot red car
    well open the door & get in

  • What should I wear
    what should I wear to get my car repaired?
    if I had my jeans
    I picked up bruised in ’82
    with the roots that grow out blue along the seams
    would he think more of me?

    How should I know
    how should I know how much my oil should weigh?
    if I should guess
    & say fortyweight this once instead of yes
    would he charge me less?

    I’ve been to the end of War & Peace & the secret
    beach at Nice I’ve had a singapore sling in
    Singapore & shots of ouzo in Crete but never in all
    my life have I been past the NO CUSTOMERS
    PAST THIS POINT point gonna get there one of
    these days though & write the travel section of the
    washingtonpost scoop woodward&bernstein

    What should I hum
    what should I hum until the work gets done?
    am I so wrong
    to think the man with the chevron shirt & the sears fatigues standing next to the machine that says don’t go ’round hungry might be inclined towards country?
    & what is country?

  • The lightning lit up mountains & the thunder crashed
    & while the news was crackling food & drinks were passed
    I knew what questions I was not supposed to ask
    I found a box of candles
    you filled up a jug with water
    really everything went smoothly
    just that once I slipped & dropped a glass

    I set my table on the porch outside
    & tried to read a novel by the inside light
    then I remembered & turned up the World Series
    in case the wind that howled until the trees ached
    wasn’t loud enough to drown out the telephone call
    I didn’t want to hear you make

    I know that this will all pass soon
    I know whatever happens I’ll pull through
    I try to keep myself distracted
    I’ve got my own life to lead
    leaves to rake & books to read
    but it’s everywhere I look

    Sometimes I talk as if I’m by myself
    I hear myself go on as if I’m someone else
    I was unraveling when you finally stopped me
    & I know what your eyes said
    & I wanted it so bad
    I wish that I had a moment with you

    This wind blew half the leaves down last night
    the day rouses & turns on its side
    outside the bedroom window
    last night’s rain is still falling
    from the gutter to the garden
    like notes on a playerpiano reel
    I can’t seem to get started today

    I know you didn’t want this too
    I know I can’t put life on hold for you
    still every time a car slows down
    you’re halfway to New York by now
    you only left an hour ago
    but I wish that next Thursday were here

  • Pretending I was sleeping
    pretending you were true
    you were wishing I was someone else
    & I was wishing you were you
    but an hour to myself & I lose track
    the story ended badly & now I want it back

    Think again heart
    remind yourself what happened last time
    stay awake now
    don’t let’s close your eyes
    we’ll make it one beat after another

    Outside it was raining
    as far as it could rain
    you made me watch you smile at him
    & I made you watch my pain
    if something inside me starts to spin
    like a song I can’t stop singing
    if I let myself begin . . . .

    Hard to get our hopes up
    when the times we get the most love
    are the times we look away

    All my things are packed now
    I’m halfway to the car
    I stop & hear the phone inside ringing in the dark
    if I find the ties between us looking strong
    if I start to think I’m wise enough
    to prove the clichés wrong . . . .

  • Tom I write from Hapgood’s office
    when I get a chance to write at all
    the air’s not that much sweeter
    here than on the ward
    still I want to hear them if they call

    A crowd came in last week from Fredericksburg
    I met a soldier close to you
    he brought the sniper’s ball
    that missed your charming head
    the day the bridge you built went through

    I think of you by some campfire sleeping
    or lying in your tent awake
    thinking out how you might write me
    what you couldn’t say

    Tobacco brandy milk & peaches
    white sleeves cut short & sewn
    the halfbuilt monument out rising with the moon
    like a tree that’s half cut down

    & While the shoulderstraps at Willard’s
    argue vintages & dine
    another soldier turns to marble
    another surgeon draws his line

    But out while this marsh I love lay sleeping
    once I could have sworn I heard music play
    & one soldier’s eyes stretched out to me
    a little light

    & I know that if we make it through this year alive
    after it all somewhere
    out of it somewhere . . . .

    Tom I know too much to kid myself
    I used to watch the men you teased
    & things they did that brought you
    tumbling into them
    made you back away from me

    Tom I never may recapture
    the fire I had in ’55
    but I’d gladly let that sweet line go
    to bring that dream we had to life

    Or just to be sure I might hold onto you
    & see your marching home parade
    reach out to touch your collar
    & set it right

  • They hoovered up the backbeat
    & took the muzzles off the houselights
    & the pickup lines lie bleeding on the floor
    the bouncer’s in his glory
    he knows we’re all saluting him
    when we raise our hands to shade our eyes
    as he herds us out the door

    Goodnight Friday Night
    it’s been a pleasure
    but the time it is is time that I got home
    it’s a shame to drink & run
    all the same I could never
    of did all I got done here on my own

    I used to be a former drunk
    I turned a new leaf over twice
    now it’s back to where it used to be
    If I bum a buck for a bite to eat
    don’t say you know I’m lying
    what you’ve got for hungry now
    just tastes like thirst to me

    Goodnight Friday Night
    I’d like to tarry
    but the big hand on the cop is pointing home
    I did the best I could
    all the same I could never
    pretend I got down this far on my own

    Friday you keep leaving me
    for days without a phone call
    (you say it’s six I know it’s nine or ten)
    well you just go on thinking
    that no one else will have me
    ’cause I got word that Saturday
    is gonna make me an honest man

    Goodnight Friday Night
    I think I’ll walk home
    just leave my car with Sunday afternoon
    if I take off right now
    I can still beat the paper
    & not have to read how bad I’ve been so soon
    Goodnight Friday Night
    it’s been a pleasure

  • Wild nights—Wild nights!
    Were I with thee
    Wild Nights should be
    Our luxury!

    Futile—the Winds—
    To a Heart in port—
    Done with the Compass—
    Done with the Chart!

    Rowing in Eden—
    Ah! the Sea!
    Might I but moor—Tonight—
    In Thee!

  • Come on out, Daniel
    It’s one night left in my leave
    You might look back & wish you’d spent with me
    You know in Elkton that car I told you?
    I went ahead & bought it
    Not much time to drive it
    Thirteen months since Baghdad fell
    They still can’t turn the heat down
    But I won’t back out now
    You don’t ask & I won’t tell
    Put your skinny arm around my shoulder

    Back in grade school
    My back yard was Viet Nam
    & we took ‘em on like Rambo & Van Damme
    In that same foxhole last night I held you
    I think of what that felt like
    Think what they’d do to me .. . .
    But can’t this Mustang take the rain?
    Let’s fly below the radar
    Till the black trees turn to green
    Windshield wipers call my name
    Dogwoods one white blur along the shoulder

    What’s that, Daniel? It’s light outside
    Don’t you clean up nice though in a black suit & a tie
    I’m here & not here, & I can’t say why
    Something about headlights
    Something about sirens
    Though they might not ask you now
    Tell ‘em all the story of a man who loved you well
    End it with the sound of rain
    Falling on the box against your shoulder

  • Close to three before I cross this mountain
    Close to not much here tonight to make front-page news:
    The caution signs that flare & pass
    The moon behind its reading glass
    The downhill curve I took so fast
    The shoulder picked up one more black tattoo

    Tipped across the skyline down towards Elkton
    Wishing what to say to you would just come to mind
    I whisper to my listening car
    So lost in thoughts of where you are
    I brake to miss a falling star
    That arcs out long before it hits the ground

    If I had some plans
    That did not come to be
    Maybe they seemed better off as dreams
    & if you know me well
    Don’t just hear the story I can’t tell
    Hear the one I mean

    Close to where you moved that night you left me
    A highway sign got twisted round to take some back road
    So if my magic words should stray
    I’ll leave them here in my own way
    & pick up all I need to say
    The next time I get down by Elkton

  • Did you get your friend to say he’d
    Miss you when you went away?
    It’s not love
    Walk by taking your pains to hide
    All but your best side
    It’s not love
    Letting him see you give more
    Than he gave up the time before
    It’s not love
    Get worked up about keeping score
    & know it won’t be long before
    It’s not love

    Didn’t you want so hard to be
    Setting yourself more than free
    There’s not enough desire
    To make love out of

    Think you’d stick so close to light
    If you’d never have known the night?
    It’s not love
    Letting the mad man win the fight
    Just so you’ll be proven right
    It’s not love, it’s not love

    Can’t see the game for the prize
    Can’t see the myth for the lies
    There’s not enough fire
    To make love out of

  • Try as they might the young men just can’t turn my smile
    I’ll be smiling at you only this time
    Let ’em all tell me that fire & ice are out of style
    It’s my style to want you only this time
    Trying to keep my heart & trying to let it down
    I’ve been taking this tune to heart right now

    Why’d I try to tell you just how good that felt?
    I thought it over now this time
    I’m gonna let this story talk all by itself
    My part is over now
    Trying to keep my guard & trying to let it down
    I have taken this dream apart I know
    Heat from light & I know
    What’s strong from right & I know
    My star’s been sighted over these hills again

    One by one with the crowd in the night that’s all gone
    I’m inclined to want you only this time
    One side of me tired & aching for a sound
    It’s my line to want you only this time
    Late that night with the rain in secret coming down
    I’ve been dying to want you only

  • You say that you’re leaving home
    & you’re scared ’cause you tried that before
    A week in the big world alone
    You found yourself back again
    Your family remind you how much they provide
    They don’t know what you need to live
    They just give you what they need to give
    But here & here & here
    Say what you want you’ve got it
    Here & here & here . . . .

    They tell you that’s not like you
    They don’t even know who you are
    They just see the child they knew
    They think you won’t get too far
    & some you call friends will do all that they can
    To see you fall short of your peak
    They’ll try to correct your mystique
    But here & here & here
    Be what you want you’ve got it
    Here & here & here

  • These weeks stand up like candles
    In a fifties Hitchcock train
    That roars across a trestle
    To the third act in the rain
    These weeks are like the pages
    Of a diary on some torn-up sea
    A traveler might lose
    That drift beneath the waves now
    Too deeply to be moved

    The way the kestrel’s head moves
    When it lands to still the view
    The way the current bulges
    Where the boulder lets it through
    This painting on the lampshade
    Made of water in a dream you shared
    These weeks are a sunscreen tattoo
    The childhood song that turned back
    & nearly spoke to you

    These weeks are strangers’ faces
    I find I’ve turned to yours
    The heirloom mirror reeling
    The moonlight on the floor
    & if you let that wound heal
    You’ll just be that much farther
    From the way you were before
    You feel like it might kill you
    & you want to feel it more

  • Now John Kotalekis & I’d just met
    & he smuggled rum & cigarettes
    Into the field infirmary
    Where I lay with my bandaged knee
    We watched the moonlight flood the town
    & inch by inch we made no sound
    & when I raised my head I found
    I’d come one or two steps forward underground
    All aboard—keep an eye on the sign
    that you lay your track toward

    By a fishing pole stuck in the sand
    I met an absolutely normal man
    & the captains of your football dreams
    Would look ordinary next to him
    The screens were up but the doors were down
    You could hear the breakers twist & pound
    & when I came up for air I found
    I’d come a few more steps forward underground
    All aboard—home by home
    that you’re headed back toward

    Now & again I’ve seen the owl’s wing when it’s light out
    Now & again knocked down an open door
    I’ve seen an angel in his hide-out
    Shaking on the floor
    All aboard—when you recognize what you’ve never seen

  • As you were, boys, the captain in you said
    The reb to get the best of is the one inside your head
    It’s fear of fear, boys, you told them, trying to hear
    The thrill those words put in you fresh off the boat last year
    For all the world this war has shown you
    & all the bones the brass have thrown you
    How you wish these boys had known you as you were

    This stubbled acre, in corn a year before,
    That swollen ships bore eastward to feed the Irish poor
    It’s all in frost now—a crust of mud so deep
    The feet of Irish soldiers walk bleeding in your sleep
    Still you’ll set their lines advancing
    As long as they do all the dancing
    & leave you when the smoke clears standing as you were

    The harrow of the sun drags the sky out into view,
    Though it’s still too dark for you to call it gray or blue
    Pass out sprigs of boxwood for pride against the chill
    Let Lee believe the woods themselves are charging up the hill

    Think on back, boys to Galway in the fall,
    You told them trying not to think of anything at all
    The fields of Fredericksburg crash down like a tide
    The one who runs the hardest is the highest one to ride
    But if it be to God they’re going
    Or where the winds of fire are blowing
    You’ll leave this field as far from knowing as you were

  • I took on dragons in my youth—
    Cheered on by pages slew them—
    & held my gleaming chain mail dreams
    While all my friends outgrew them
    At eighteen still I felt a thrill
    No doubt had ever shaken
    & so I came to seek my fame
    So sorely unmistaken
    The days fell out end over end
    Cast up like coins on the sand
    More than I knew how to spend, everywhere

    Every crowd I strode through proud,
    Head high & never swerving
    & those who fell, I told myself,
    Had proven undeserving
    Fortune’s fist at my one kiss
    Lay down so open-handed
    It seemed to me I ne’er need see
    My hard heart countermanded
    Courtiers all called out my name
    In sighs that all sounded the same
    & no raging foe but grew tame, everywhere

    Though I’d bear nor want nor care
    One need was my distraction:
    Some odd jack who’d watch my back
    Whose own I’d stand for watching
    A costume ball one Carnival
    I spied your fiery Grendel,
    & as I watched my fingers sought
    My broadsword’s wooden handle
    A bird nest I’d found in the ferns
    An uncommon word I had learned
    I just caught your face as you turned

    The faces blurred, or all but yours,
    Your smile so freshly angered
    I would as soon have quit that room
    & turned our heat to languor
    Until in just one misspent thrust
    I failed to miss my target
    & from your pale green costume scales
    Withdrew a real-life scarlet
    The dark summer leaves now defend
    A light none could hide from me then
    & I never saw you again, everywhere

  • I would pull your weeds by candlelight
    Just like you show me if I can
    You’d have thought by now I’d get this right
    Still like as not beside the pile I’ll find impatiens in
    The tangle in my hand
    I would clean your pie safe dish by dish—
    Those back-up pans your house outgrew
    & the best intended Christmas gifts,
    Then, look, behind them all that vase
    You brought by hand from Spain
    I broke & tried to glue
    Warm square of sunlight passes
    Wipe down the dishwashed glasses
    I hear, hear you in the Revere ware

    I’d arrive some late night by surprise
    Wait till next day to get unpacked
    I remember where you keep the key
    Still, more & more with every year I find what I forget
    To do is put it back
    Walk through the darkened hallway
    Both hands out before me
    I hear, hear you in the Revere ware

    Though whatever I give to you
    Turns out just like something I’d give myself
    As boys’ gifts tend to do . . . .

    Even here my would-be graceful words
    Pile in my hands like contour sheets
    Full of bulges where there should be folds
    Till all at once I feel your hands come next to mine to make
    The wayward corners meet
    Bare feet, sunburnt tiling
    Backsplash, kitchen island
    Eight bells, chimes the rack of Revere ware

  • Thread your way back home through the rows of uniforms
    Salesmen dressed in suits darkened by the storm

    I am weaker than I ever was
    And stronger than I ever was
    A black leaf in a gray sky
    Tumbling up the wind
    Don’t go yet–can you write another line
    This one time?

    Now you give your ring to a whorehouse madam
    Now you set your feet on a torn macadam

    You’ve seen it in your mind’s eye
    But now it’s at your door
    And you’re afraid if you can touch it
    You won’t want to anymore
    Don’t go yet–can you write another line
    This one time?

    Each false step you take will make good reading
    No one sees the times you kept from cheating

    I am older than I ever was
    And calmer than I ever was
    Gray against a yellow sky
    Shined up in the wind
    Don’t go yet–can you write another line?
    I think I’ve seen your face before
    Didn’t you and I both miss that war?
    Well since then I’ve missed several more . . . .

  • Have a seat on the sofa
    get yourself something to drink
    shake that pack you might find a cigarette
    if this had been a hit song I’d have paid off this guitar
    but I’d lose my excuse to sing off-key
    and I’m not that brave quite yet

    No big ol’ lights on a Saturday night
    have made me a bit of who I am
    I don’t mind three-dollar wine and I guess I won’t too soon
    won’t be a kept monkey on TV country
    I’ll be the king of my living room

    Once I was a DJ
    but the list didn’t leave much room
    never could tell the ads from the top ten
    I’d smuggle in a good song
    but only now and then
    ’cause the boss who checked on my work
    had another boss checking on him

    No big ol’ lights on a Saturday night
    have made me a bit of who I am
    I don’t mind three-dollar wine and I guess I won’t too soon
    I’d rather sing from a futon
    than be a old Wayne Newton
    I’ll stay the king of my living room

    And I don’t think that just because you sell you’ve sold out
    but I can’t count this thing I need
    it’s more the way the smell of clean water leads to the sea

    Can’t chase the cold off reaching in a bag of tricks
    or putting up Markee Mark on a marquee
    can’t trust a blackout that candlelight can’t fix
    say it’s got something for everyone
    then I know it’s got nothing for me

    No big ol’ lights on a Saturday night
    have made me a bit of who I am
    I don’t mind ten-dollar wine and I guess I won’t too soon
    won’t be Gene Autrey
    and have a talk show flaunt me
    I’ll be the king of my living room
    I’ll be the king of my living room

  • If I were a thunderstorm
    I’d let you tie a string to me
    and if I were a radio
    I’d stop to let you sing to me

    If I were a waterfall
    I’d let you see your face in me
    and if I were an alibi
    I’d let you leave no trace in me

    High on the ledge
    all night I sing the rain right down
    I smile against my will upon your darkened town
    how well I know
    that I can never win your heart of stone

    If I were a liar I’d say
    “I will keep my word” for you
    and if I were a boxing man
    I’d fall down in the third for you

    If I were a bag of tea
    I’d let you make your cup from me
    and if I were a nightmare I would
    even wake you up from me

    High on the ledge
    all night I watch the snow come down
    my frozen eyes look coldly on your careful town
    how well I know
    that I can never win your heart of stone

    If I were a killer whale
    I’d charge up on the sand for you
    and if I were a mosquito
    I’d fly right through the fan for you

    I’ve prayed all my life to change
    to anything I can for you
    but if you loved me I would even
    be this thing I am for you

    High on the ledge
    all night I watch the world come round
    my pagan eyes look down upon your Catholic town
    how well I know
    that I could never change your heart of stone

  • Why weep ye by the tide lady
    why weep ye by the tide
    I’ll wed ye to my youngest son
    and ye shall be his bride
    and ye shall be his bride lady
    so comely to be seen
    but ay, she let the tears doon fall
    for Jock O’Hazeldean

    Now let this willful grief be done
    and dry your cheeks so pale
    young Frankie’s Chief of Errington
    and Lord of Langleydale
    his step is first in peaceful hall
    his sword in battle keen
    but ay, she let the tears doon fall
    for Jock O’Hazeldean

    A coat of gold ye shall nae lack
    nor combs to bind your hair
    nor mettled hound nor managed hawk
    nor palfrey fresh and fair
    and you the foremost of them all
    will ride–our forest queen
    but ay, she let the tears doon fall
    for Jock O’Hazeldean

    The kirk was decked at morningtide
    the tapers glimmered fair
    the priest and bridegroom await the bride
    and dame and knight were there
    they searched for her in bower and hall
    the lady was nae seen
    she’s crossed the border and awa’
    with Jock O’Hazeldean

  • The fleas never die in Delray
    and the patio peppers with mold
    salt spray fogs on the windshield
    and the tap water never gets cold
    palm trees clatter in the east wind
    sprinklers stagger in the rain
    taking that water from the sawgrass
    and they give it to the city drain

    I worked one summer out at King’s Point
    where the cranes set the houses down
    like miles of igloo coolers
    and we stapled on the roofs with a gun
    I said I can’t wait till the storm comes
    and that might not have been fair
    but if they were all gone by sunrise
    the landscape might not care

    Bear me out waterspout
    I watch you tide by tide
    everybody gets what I say they’ve got coming.

    The place I never have been yet
    is the place I’ll never see
    and all my friends are famous
    now as they’re ever gonna be
    we bite the hand that buys us
    and that might not be kind
    nobody can stop progress
    from leaving us all behind

    Still I catch my throat on a fishing boat
    I watch it tide by tide
    everybody gets what I say they’ve got coming.

    You ask me when to go fishing
    to catch your money’s worth
    but the only good time to go fishing
    is when you were all back up north
    I been here long as I remember
    –since I turned 63–
    just go on back to where you came from
    everybody except me

    It’s past its prime but now it’s mine
    and now that I’m here I’ll make my peace with it
    I’ll knock for good
    on the rotten wood
    that drifts in tide by tide

  • Things you used to tell me early on
    they’ve come to mean so much now
    you said you’d wake up one day and I’d be gone
    and I told you to hush now
    now and then I find the trail you left
    but it’s too steep to let me catch my breath
    and I can’t tell if I’ve been running from or running to
    after you, after you, after you

    Things I had not even thought I knew
    now I’ve come to doubt them
    how could this same fire that burns me not burn you?
    and will it soon go out then?
    I don’t know how you still turn my head
    I don’t know why the gold turned back to lead
    and I don’t know if I want those things I’ll finally get to do
    after you, after you, after you

    Sometimes I pass by the place we met
    and drank away the evening
    we’ve spun round and round so long now I forget
    which one of us is leading
    maybe all that dance was nothing more
    than some Alphonse-Gaston act at the door
    both of us refused to be the first one to get through
    after you, after you, after you

  • Someone put my name up on the blackboard
    someone put this pool stick in my hand
    long as I’ve got Schlitz and you’ve got Chambord
    I’m yours to have and hold now
    in sickness and insane
    oh I’ll thank you not to wake me
    if I believe you’ll take me on again

    Roll that stick on the table
    put another quarter in the slot
    let’s not dwell on
    the time we haven’t got
    I don’t know if I’m in love with you
    but I don’t know if I’m not
    break ’em up now
    let’s see what you got
    break ’em up now

    It’s true that life’s a comedy for thinkers
    tragic though it seems to those who feel
    I don’t know what that says about you drinkers
    a sweet dream or a nightmare
    drinking makes it real
    oh the glass might be halfempty
    but it’s full enough to tempt this man of steel

    Roll that stick on the table
    put another quarter in the slot
    let’s not dwell on
    the time we haven’t got
    I don’t know if I’m in love with you
    but I don’t know if I’m not
    break ’em up now
    give it all you got
    break ’em up now

    You stay behind the bar when I’ve come all this way to see you
    like you got more important things to do
    if you can spare a minute between mixing drinks and signals
    have you got five singles for a two?

    Tomorrow I’ll take back my job at Mayflower
    packing up pilgrims to Pompano
    I’ll windowshop the pickup trucks at rush hour
    for a scraggly wire antenna
    and plates from Ohio
    oh you’ll be drumming on the dashboard
    though they stole your Kenwood long ago

    Roll that stick on the table
    put another quarter in the slot
    let’s not dwell on
    the time we haven’t got
    now I’m looking in your eyes, dear
    and you’re looking at your watch
    break ’em up now
    carve yourself a notch
    leave me sweet now

  • I live in a trailer park between Pantry Pride
    and the IHOP at nine o’clock every night
    the train passes so close I feel
    like I’m a bearing in a wheel
    sometimes I get up about five a.m.
    stop by the curb where they leave the bread
    go down to the ocean and hide
    in the seagrapes until dawn

    And the sun comes up inside the clouds
    and the waves yawn out and the waves charge in
    and I feel so good I want to say to the world
    don’t turn don’t turn don’t turn

    I get along all right with my friends at school
    but they treat me like somebody said to be nice
    and the way they call each other “tourist”
    well who the hell are they
    there’s a place at the marina I got a job
    bussing tables for a tenth of the waiters’ tips
    but I’ll lose it if I can’t stop looking
    at the drift boats coming in

    And the drawbridge bellows when the cars pass over
    and an old man’s casting from behind the gate
    little seagull flying by the silver bait
    don’t turn don’t turn don’t turn

    I saw a dolphin chasing something at high tide
    I want to know where he’s gonna be when the
    sun goes down tonight . . . .

    I can’t wait for fall when the storms come down
    me and my uncle go camping out west of town
    he wants to take me up north with him
    I can’t remember when I saw snow
    when I get off I’m gonna go drink beer all night
    I gotta say I think a lot of you I hope it’s all right
    if we can get hold of my brother’s car
    I think I know where I can get served

    And I know you watch me from behind your hair
    and I seen the way you touched my guitar
    and I’ve heard what they say about you
    and I don’t care don’t turn
    I’m a right hand strumming up and down these strings
    steady as the piston that measures the load
    little brown deer running at the side of the road
    don’t turn don’t turn don’t turn

  • We were never best friends
    but if the time was right we might’ve been
    he’d have the teachers scratching their heads
    I’d know what he was saying
    he was on the wrestling team
    but in some ways I was stronger than him
    broad of shoulder but thin of skin
    he was hiding a lot of strain

    There was something about him
    something about him
    running against himself
    and afraid that he might win

    Working on the float last year
    talking through the chicken wire
    we stayed awake till morning came
    went snorkeling in the rain
    it was calm but so stirred up
    you really couldn’t see too much
    an eagle ray swept over us
    so close we felt its current

    There was something about him
    something about him
    could’ve been full of sharks
    I’d still have gone right in

    We were near the Seahorse Inn
    it closes when the season ends
    in a closet full of soap and brooms
    I found the key to the changing room
    I can’t explain what happened next
    to hold it back I did my best
    it crumpled up inside my chest

    Something about him
    something about him
    we sorted our clothes apart
    and we put them on again

    We were never best friends
    maybe never would have been
    we both had fourthperiod gym
    but our eyes never met
    he was on the wrestling team
    but in some ways I was stronger than him
    I try to change the things I can
    the rest of them I forget

    Bless me Father for I have sinned
    I let myself have that nightmare again
    the same blue hallway that not a single person was in
    but it had to do with him
    how many angels can dance
    on the head of a firing pin
    he might have made a good man
    but he took it on the chin

  • Loa loa txunturrun berde
    loa loa masusta
    aita guria Gasteizen da
    ama mandoan hartu ta

    Loa loa txunturrun berde
    loa loa masusta
    aita guria abiatu da
    Vitoriako ferira

    Loa loa txunturrun berde
    loa loa masusta
    aita guriak diru asko du
    ama bidean saldu ta

    (Sleep Sleep

    Sleep sleep little green twig
    sleep sleep sugarplum
    father’s in Gasteiz
    mother’s on a big donkey

    Sleep sleep little green twig
    sleep sleep sugarplum
    father has arrived
    at the Vitoria Fair

    Sleep sleep little green twig
    sleep sleep sugarplum
    father has a lot of money
    he sold mother on the way

    –Traditional Basque lullaby)

  • I don’t see your face now
    when darkness falls
    but time was I would
    I hardly ever hear you
    when no one calls
    but time was I could

    And I remember in that foreign town
    the sound of your name all around me
    and when I called you came and you found me
    and took me as I was

    I hardly hesitate now
    when I open my door
    but time was I would
    I can’t draw your profile
    from memory anymore
    but time was I could

    And I remember in that rust-belt town
    the feel of your arms strong around me
    the dream that ran so deeply it still bound me
    after I awoke

    I won’t get up and follow
    just ’cause someone leads
    but time was I would
    I can’t pretend to borrow
    everything I need
    but time was I could
    I thought I could time was

  • In spring I think of mornings
    out walking with the dog
    the little leaves that hung there
    in the branches like fog
    seedlings in the cold frame
    on the eyebrow window shelf
    they would’ve grown like wildfire
    if good intentions helped

    You’d tell me all your dreams then
    and I’d lie back down in bed
    and I’d try to reassure you
    and cradle your head
    perhaps I would have run then
    if I’d known what I know now
    ah but I’d have looked behind me
    and broken any vow

    And alive and right
    and a little light later down to night

    The pains we took with bone meal
    and watering can and spade
    where dandelions flourish
    without us in the way
    our life was like a garden
    at times I’d think it was
    but at best it was the garden
    that reminded me of us

    The leaves came down like snow
    and then the snow fell
    but underneath I’d feel
    these seeds take shape
    and these seeds will keep awhile
    these seeds they will

    I would’ve died to keep you
    I would’ve changed to someone else
    though it was a sin to say so
    a sin that didn’t help
    please don’t stay to console me now
    for what you and God have done
    go ahead and cut your roses
    but don’t leave them in the sun

    And alive at night
    and a bit of night later down to light
    And alive at night
    and a bit of night later down to light

  • I think I’m out the door this time
    I’ve torn up the tickets I told you I’d pay
    and the peaks I always said I’d climb
    I’ve put them aside for a sunnier day

    The only way I’d have you was three foot deep in snow
    and the only times you’d ask me you knew I couldn’t go

    Faces that I daydreamed of
    they don’t have the hold on me they had before
    did I call what I felt for them love?
    that was just make-up my loneliness wore

    The only way I’d see you was three foot deep in snow
    and the only times you asked me you knew I couldn’t go

    Interstate for a waterfront
    and a chip on your shoulder of granite and steel
    forgive me if I don’t hang on
    improvements like that take a long time to heal

    The only way I’d take you was three foot deep in snow
    and the only times you asked me you knew I couldn’t go

    It’d take some Adam to make you Eden
    give me the apple and we’ll call it even
    you thought you’d won me but I was only beaten
    I’ll darken your doorstep no more, Albany

    Posters up on telephone poles
    dates of things happening after I’m gone
    string quartets and tractor pulls
    except for the students I love college towns

    Christmas Eve it’s raining, first of June it snows
    and the only time I want you is when it’s time to go

    It’ll take some distance to make you Eden
    keep the apple, we’ll call it even
    you thought you’d won me but I was only beaten
    I’ll straddle your potholes no more
    I can’t keep an eye on the forest at Albany